Saturday, May 05, 2007

James 20 days

Daddy's buddy.

Here he is - in all his glory! At our 2 week check-up, (which was actually 18 days), James weighed 8 lbs, 10 oz - an increase from 7 lbs 2oz when he was 8 days old! He grew an inch in length, and an inch in head circumference. He's eating great - every 3 hours most days, although he likes to throw us for a loop sometimes and go 2 1/2 hours or even 2. (those are the days that seem to last forever and i never leave the couch.)

His Aunt Michelle (my sister) was here last week, and his Grammy and Aunt Holly will be here tomorrow. Max goes back to work on Monday - time to see how good I'll be by myself for 8 hours at a time. The days aren't too bad - it's the late evening hours that wear thin after a long day with no naps.

James is getting stronger every day - pushing his head up and turning it from side to side. he loves to look at the ceiling in our living room it's white with black beams on it - just big enough for him to focus on!


Blogger Jules said...

what a cutie the little guy is! tell him I love him as often as you think of it.

2:42 PM  

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