Monday, April 10, 2006

april 10

Today is April 10... There are a variety of things that make today special:
  1. Julie visited for the weekend, and left this morning. We had a great visit - relaxed, talked, prepared wedding invitations, talked, drank wine, ate good food, talked, laughed, watched un-censored versions of Sex and the City, talked... did i mention that we talked?
  2. Allie Kate's birthday
  3. 2 days before my katie-baby's birthday
  4. first day of another work week
  5. 103 days 'til me/max's wedding

Apart from all of those, today is APRIL 10 - THE NATIONAL DAY FOR IMMIGRATION JUSTICE. Protests have taken place all over the country over the weekend, and will continue today. Even now, as I sit in Jackson, MS, I am watching SCORES of hispanic, latino and african immigrants gather across the street at the capital.

They are wearing white (for peace) and waving American flags.

Written on a car: "We came for a better life"

and another "We are NOT criminals"

and a third " we just want justice."

During this week of Holy Week, when Christians contemplate Jesus' last week before the crucifixion, is there a better action to take? To speak out for justice for ourselves and our neighbors, strangers and friends. To demand that America truly be what we say we are: a place where all are welcome to earn & work for their dreams.

I support all those who are peacefully protesting and speaking out for effective immigration reform that will bring justice for all - employers, parents, children and society in general.

and yet - despite all of my theoretical pondering and wise thoughts, i simply want to say -

"Can't we all just get along?"


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