Saturday, September 08, 2007

James' trickery

(transcribed by Becky - post by James)

after sleeping for 10+ hours a night for the past 3 weeks, I decided to change things up a bit last night - you know, keep the old folks on their toes. they were getting a little cocky.

I started by waking mom up at 6:30 friday morning. She tricked me back by nursing me back to sleep in her bed. (I'm a sucker for breakfast in bed.) I got her back by only sleeping 'til 8. Then, I wouldn't go down for my morning nap until I fussed for 45 (not my usual 15) minutes. I was tired, then, and slept for 45 minutes.

Mom got me back by delaying my lunch while she & dad went out to lunch. I obliged & drank my bottle & ate my cereal, but I didn't like it. =)

So then mom lulled me to sleep by driving, and I slept for 1.5 hours. (not so fuel efficient, mama!)

After that, I wasn't so crazy about eating, so instead my usual 5oz, I ate 2 at 3 pm and mom suckered me into taking another 2 at 4 pm. Then, it was naptime. I protested LOUDLY about that one, and got dad to pick me up with out making me take a nap. Then, we all drove to play disc golf. I fell asleep within 5 minutes though, and the suckers drove around birmingham AGAIN. he he heh.

AFter I woke up, we went to the park and I ate a few more ounces. no cereal, though. Don't even bother, mom!

We played disc golf - they got a few holes in before i got tired of being in my stroller.

We came home - mama thought i would sleep on the way home. boy can i prove her wrong!

I was kinda hungry when we got home, so i ate cereal & took a small bottle. Hung out for a while & then fell asleep with the rest of my dinner.


and this is where the fun begins!


10:45. I hear mama go to bed.

11:30 - I wake up SCREAMING - just to see if she can hear me in the other room. Medicine drops, mylicon gas drops, calm in dad's arms. (i'm a sucker for my papa!) Still not happy, though. Mama gives me a bottle and i fall back to sleep.

4:30- 6:00 Buddy the dog has conversation with neighbor. I ignore it for a while, but finally have to say something. Dad gets me to sleep, but not for long - he he he

6:15 - I'm up again, aware that i didn't even get OFFERED any food. Mom hears that pathetic cry & gives me a bottle. I'm a happy man. Even better, she caves & lets me sleep with her in bed, just so she can get some rest.

7:30. Shadow the cat scratches at the door for his breakfast, and this wakes me up. mama curses. that's funny.

7:45 I wake up for a fun day - Mama - why do you look so tired?


Blogger Hewy Nosleep said...

Wow, and he's even writing on the blog . A Genius!

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel. Aidan is 2 and still does this sort of stuff. He just has never really been a sleeper. I actually look forward to when he is a teenager and all he wants to do is sleep. I just pray that this next one will enjoy sleep!

11:37 AM  
Blogger Abbye West Pates said...

funniest person I know, that james... and i dont even know him.

5:06 PM  

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