Saturday, September 03, 2005

Something "normal"

As it is said, normal is redefined in a crisis. I have only experienced that a small amount thus far, mostly because of Max & the ability that I have to come & stay here in a life I already knew.

I have my cats with me - Fox & shadow. Shadow has been with me for over 3 years, and daily earns his name. We've established a pattern in the mornings - at least, we HAD a pattern established. In my house in Biloxi, I have/had a claw foot tub with no shower attachment. Which means that every morning I'd fill my tub as I ate breakfast, and take a bath. I didn't quite DESIRE that reality, but that's what I got. So, shadow quickly discovered that water remained in the tub AFTER my bath, and then used kitty-logic to realize that there would also be water DURING my bath. Which means that every morning he would race me to the kitchen for breakfast, and then follow me to the bath. He'd sit & try to get as close as possible to the water without me noticing, for my awareness would surely bring a scolding if not a splash of water. After I would drain the tub, he would anxiously balance on the edge, until it was safe for him to enter & drink to his heart's content.

Now, I don't ask WHY my cat feels the to lick up my bathtub when he has a bowl of clean water in the kitchen. Some things are better left a mystery.

However, I was delighted (in a weird way) to see Shadow perch on the toilet today while I was taking a bath. Usually I take a shower here, but Max's antiquated shower nozzle decided not to work today. So me & shadow had our bath time, and all seemed right with the world.


Blogger Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

Hey baby girl, we'll keep praying for "normal" moments in your life and heart. We think of and pray for you daily. love, c

3:16 PM  

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