Monday, May 01, 2006

everybody together now...

on the count of three -

breathe in deeply...

and S - I - G - H.

I got another three month's rental assistance from FEMA. After 3 weeks of "you need to send in this form... No, your computer-generated-very-difficult-to-falsify-invoice from your landlord isn't good enough. Have her sign another, generic-easy-to-falsify form.... What do you plan to do permanently to avoid paying rent/needing our help to do that?" all is finally settled, and in a positive outcome.

When I moved to Jackson, I was pleased that the conference office increased my salary to help with living expenses, but their increase wasn't enough, and my living expenses increased by $700 vs. the $300 increase they gave me. So, every month was going to be squeaking by - until FEMA came through with their rental assistance. And, this month was my 3 month renewal time... which meant I was walking on pins & needles every time I went to the grocery store. I'da been fine until May 10, and from then until the 15th, I would be drinking water & eating cereal., walking or hitching rides to work - esp. with gas prices the way they are.

So, needless to say, I was quite pleased to check my FEMA account to see that I was approved for another 3 months of assistance. Now I can breathe a little easier for the next 3 months. Keep posted mid-july for more breath holding.


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