Sunday, December 04, 2005

Bedford High School class of 1995

Over thanksgiving weekend, I gathered with about 100 of my classmates from Bedford High School - it's been 10 years since we were at school together. Friday night at a local bar - that was just weird. Good to see folks, but I couldn't remember most of their names! Especially after the first beer - it got even more challenging, because my DESIRE to remember their names diminished. =) As I said to my friend Monika (it was Monica when we were children) - it's amazing how much more comforable I am when these folks aren't my peer group.

I enjoyed seeing my good high school friends, and it was good to catch up on where our lives have taken us - such different journeys from when we were together. I hope the next 10 bring us many more journeys, and many more good times.

The pictures are of two of my closest girlfriends... Monika - the blond. We became friends in 1st grade on the playground, and remained friends for the next 12 years. The brunette is Lisa - our friendship developed later in high school, and yet provided both of us with many goood memories.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Becky!
It's - I'm on the Internet! :) It's great to read what you've been up to and it was REALLY great seeing you again. You are a talented writer, we were both always good at English class. We used to race to finish the tests, remember?! Well take care and thanks for sending me the pic!!!

6:52 PM  

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