Saturday, February 25, 2006

I'm back!

After many hours on planes, trains & automobiles, I'm back in Mississippi. The conference was great - I spent (along with about 200 other child care advocates) Thursday on Capital Hill, visiting with the staff of MS's congressional representation - yes, you heard right, folks - I met the domestic staff person (in most cases) for Senator Trent Lott, Senator Thad Cochran, Rep. Roger Wicker, Rep. Chad Pickering, Rep Bennie Thompson and Rep. Gene Taylor. Going into the day, I was preparing for my normal "I clam up when around 'important' people." I even warned my colleagues for such an event. Instead, I made the "mistake" of starting to talk about the statistics of child care in Mississippi - things I've learned by doing the advocay workshops around the state. They (colleagues) immediately decided that I was NOT going to be able to remain quiet throughout these 6 meetings. And, you know what - I did a good job. I got more comfortable at the end of the day, so even when talking to the good-looking gentlemen staffer in the last office, I was able to retain my composure and speak clearly about the importance of affordable & quality child care options for ALL families, but most especially for families of low-income. I was quite proud of myself & my colleagues for our message, even when facing 'annoyingly neutral' staffers in our most stubborn congressmen's offices.

For all of you who have NOT spent a day on Capital Hill - GET TO IT!!! It's an experience unlike any other.


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