Friday, March 03, 2006

3 prescriptions - 15 side effects

Well, my lovely doctor decided that yes, indeed, my life situation warranted some medical assistance. I now have something to help me re-gain my grip on life, something to help me sleep, and something to help me get rid of this cough that has plagued me since my move to the deep south.

Unfortunately, the combination of starting three new prescriptions on the same day leaves me with all of the "first few days" side effects... all compounded on top of each other. Which means, my heart is beating fast and I'm shaky/nervous from the asthma medicine, and the other two make me queasy whenever my stomach is empty. So waking up this morning was quite an ordeal, as is simply typing this blog. my fingers are trying to goamileaminute and i can't hardly make them stop.

i'll be glad for the help when the side effects diminish, which all of the patient advisory inserts warn me will take just a few days until my body gets used to the medicine.


Blogger Michael L. Hess said...

I was randomly searching blogs and came across yours. I am impressed with your willingness to work on behalf of justice issues in a devastated area. We recently moved from New Orleans to Albuquerque, about a year before Katrina, and went back for the first time over Mardi Gras. Just seeing the destruction of the 9th Ward was sobering -- repeat all along the coast and the proportion of misery and suffering is staggering.

I'm working on a dissertation now, but I used to work on behalf of religious groups in the corporate responsibility movement. The work was tiring, and considering where you are and the challenges you face, I would not consider it to your detriment to realize your weaknesses and do something about them. It will make you more effective in your work in the short run, and you will probably find yourself not needing those aids in the long run.

Keep up your spirits as best as possible, and continue your great work! Thanks for being willing to tackle difficult issues in an impossible setting. I will bookmark your page and occasionally stop in.

9:53 AM  

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