Monday, March 06, 2006

Today was a good day

Despite getting very little sleep last night (note to self - do not take anti-depressant before bedtime. It really does have an immediate impact upon your body's ability to sleep!) - I had a good day today. I checked the status of the bills I'm following in the legislature, I worked on recreating my CFC website, and attended a meeting of other lobbyist-types. It was great - simply because I was greeted when I arrived, and was called upon to speak to a bill that had undergone changes that no one else noticed... and I knew what to say! It was a good moment.

After lunch, however, I became very sleepy. I bought caffeine in the form of root beer to help me through the afternoon (a rare event!)... and kept working. It was a good feeling to still be working at 4:30 and decide that I could go home without feeling guilty for lack of work.

Upon returning home, I discovered 2 (yes - TWO!) gifts in my mailbox - CDs from a new friend in anticipation of a concert next weekend (much excitement) and CDs from an old friend to help expand my music collection. Both contain really different styles of music, and both bring me great joy. I think I might actually just listen to music tonight instead of my usual sitcom-rerun-with-maybe-a-movie-thrown-in evening. I fully intend on catching up on the sleep I missed last night, too. I bought myself two books yesterday (before seeing extraordinary cingular bill) and am 1/2 way done with the first one ... it's one that you just can't put down for it's eerie correlation to your life. The second one is a novel by one of my favorite authors - Jodi Piccoult - "Keeping Faith" - I love her style of writing & it was a complete splurge for me to buy her book instead of waiting for the library or going to a discount book store. ( I think I need to stop splurging one of these days!)

Now, don't get me wrong - there were crappy parts about this day. I found out that I have a $600 deductible on my insurance, so the $400 doctor's bill that I thought would be covered is NOT GOING TO BE COVERED except by yours truly... that sucked. I also realized (thanks to a lovely note from my landlord) that I forgot to pay rent. Yup - kept writing MARCH on my bills/notes/emails, and completely forgot that MARCH 1 due date of rent. So, I had to pay a fee. That did NOT help my "spend as little as money as possible between now and payday" attitude of life right now. Somehow, I thought that having the money in my account meant that it would pay itself, apparantly. And, once it's late, you not only have to pay a fee, you have to pay with a money order. So that meant an emergency trip to Kroger at rush hour on Old Canton Road. I almost died. Fast Car. Turn Lane. You get the picture. I cursed the young fool who was going so fast, and crept home.

Here's wishing everyone a "Happy Becky, Julie, Joran, Brian, Derek and Laurie Birthday Month"


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